Copy of Blind Tasting Box Catalogue

We've been fans of blind tastings for a long time - almost all of our cuppings (the tasting process we use to assess coffees) are done blind - whether we're choosing new coffees to buy, or comparing roast profiles or brewing recipes. Blind tastings eliminate bias, but they also really force one to taste, and smell carefully - this sensory development is vital for coffee professionals, and equally rewarding for all keen coffee drinkers.

What was in my box

If you recently bought a mystery box, you'd have received four different coffees to compare. Click on the relevant number below to discover more about that coffee.

  • Name: Sitio Vargem Grande Anaerobic
  • Altitude: 1125m ASL
  • Processing: Anaerobic Natural
  • Variety: Catuai & Yellow Catuai
  • Harvest: 2020
  • Region: Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Tasting notes: Pungent aromatics, tropical fruit, blueberry
  • Name: Frinsa Blue Honey
  • Altitude: 1400m ASL
  • Processing: Experimental
  • Variety: Sigarar Utang & Others
  • Harvest: 2019
  • Region: West Java, Indonesia
  • Tasting notes: Full & textured, Green figs, plums & molasses sweetness
  • Name: Harsu Forest
  • Altitude: 1900 - 2000m ASL
  • Processing: Washed
  • Variety: Welisho & Kurume
  • Harvest: 2019/20
  • Region: Guji, Ethiopia
  • Tasting notes: Elegant & sweet, peach, bergamot & jasmine
  • Name: Madremonte Collective
  • Altitude: 1800 - 2000m ASL
  • Processing: Washed
  • Variety: Colombia, Caturra, Castillo
  • Harvest: 2019/20
  • Region: Huila, Colombia
  • Tasting notes: Clean, brown sugar sweetness & juicy citrus
  • Name: Las Lomas Natural
  • Altitude: 1600m ASL
  • Processing: Natural
  • Variety: Catuai
  • Harvest: 2020
  • Region: La Paz, Honduras
  • Tasting notes: Full bodied, sherry, red grape & cocoa nib